
Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde (1934-1992), self identified as a black feminist, lesbian, poet, mother, warrior; she was critical to shaping the intellectual landscape of  the women’s movement, black arts movement, black feminist, and gay liberation movements globally. Lorde herself was shaped by a larger sociocultural context of WWII, McCarthyism, and witnessing the unfolding of the Civil Rights Movement. Her wo...

The Pill

The oral contraceptive known as “The Pill” is one of the most influential drugs in the history of the United States.  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the birth control pill in 1960, giving heterosexually active women control over preventing unwanted pregnancies.  Its appearance marked a turning point in the social and economic lives of women who could now claim sexual equality and ...

Consciousness Raising

In the context of 1970s feminism, consciousness-raising (CR) refers to the practice of discussing the varied and everyday effects of sexism, racism, and classism in groups of similarly identified individuals. The practice was a key political strategy for second wave feminists, as well as an opportunity for personal transformation. The goal was to uncover the ways patriarchy distorted all levels of...

Black Power Feminism

As a political practice Black Power feminism bridges black feminist thought and black power politics simultaneously. As a theory it embraces the central tenants of the Black Power movement including self-definition, political participation, and self defense while also prioritizing gender justice. Black Power feminism situates race and gender as equal parts in eradicating various forms of oppres...


National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (Alianza) was established as one of three domestic violence “Cultural Institutes” to address the particular needs and concerns of communities of color experiencing family violence. Alianza specifically addresses the needs of Latino/a families and communities, although its work helps to inform the domestic violence field in gener...

Live Your Dream

Live Your is an online volunteer network, a self-motivated community of people who wish to support women and girls in their quest to lead better lives, while gaining inspiration in their own lives. This initiative is sponsored by Soroptimist, an international women’s organization that works to improve the lives of women and girls through award-winning projects that effect fundamen...

Familia es Familia

Familia es Familia works to create and connect LGBTQ allies in Hispanic communities across the country. The organization runs public education campaigns about discrimination, bullying, family unity, and gay marriage to raise awareness and tolerance about LGBTQ issues in latino communities. On the Familia es Familia website you can sign up to receive updates about the organization's campaigns, tell...

Dolores Huerta Foundation

The Dolores Huerta Foundation (DHF) is a 501(c)(3) "community benefit" organization that organizes grassroots projects to build and foster skills for natural leaders. The organization focus on three areas: health and environment, education and youth development, and economic development. Their mission is "to create a network of organized healthy communities pursuing social justice through systemic...